Citing the CViSB Data Portal
To reference data from the Center for Viral Systems Biology Data Portal, please cite the Center for Viral Systems Biology:
The Center for Viral Systems Biology, 2025, "Center for Viral Systems Biology data",, V1.1.0.
Citing individual data sources
The data in the CViSB Data Portal is a mixture of data collected by our consortium, data contributed by our partners, and publicly available data on Lassa and Ebola. Some of the data has been published and others are works in progress. Individual data sources can be cited as:
Patient demographic & clinical data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
Systems Serology data
Immunity2020, 53, 3, 524-532.e4.
rapid diagnostics data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
vitals data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
blood chemistry data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
RT-PCR data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
blood counts data
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium / Kenema Government Hospital, 2025, (unpublished)
RT-PCR data
Immunity2020, 53, 3, 524-532.e4.
Ebola virus sequencing data
Virus evolution2016, 2, 1, vew016.
Nature medicine2021, 27, 4, 710-716.
Cell2015, 161, 7, 1516-26.
Nature2015, 524, 7563, 97-101.
Nature2015, 524, 7563, 93-6.
Cell host & microbe2015, 18, 6, 659-69.
Nature2016, 530, 7589, 228-232.
Science (New York, N.Y.)2014, 345, 6202, 1369-72.
Nature2015, 524, 7563, 102-4.
The New England journal of medicine2021, 384, 13, 1240-1247.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases2019, 19, 6, 648-657.
JCI insight2017, 2, 15, e88333.
The Journal of infectious diseases2017, 215, 7, 1107-1110.
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin2015, 20, 40, 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2015.20.40.30035.
Emerging infectious diseases2015, 21, 7, 1135-43.
Journal of virology2013, 87, 5, 2608-16.
Science advances2016, 2, 4, e1600378.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases2019, 19, 6, 641-647.
Journal of clinical microbiology2019, 57, 9, e00827-19.
The Journal of infectious diseases2016, 214, suppl 3, S102-S109.
Emerging infectious diseases2016, 22, 2, 331-4.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America2017, 65, 8, 1400-1403.
The Journal of infectious diseases2016, 214, suppl 3, S333-S341.
Cell reports2018, 23, 6, 1806-1816.
Epidemiology and infection2019, 147, e88.
Genome medicine2015, 7, 99.
The New England journal of medicine2015, 373, 25, 2448-54.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America2018, 67, 7, 1147-1149.
The Journal of infectious diseases2011, 204 Suppl 3, Suppl 3, S776-84.
The New England journal of medicine2014, 371, 15, 1418-25.
The New England journal of medicine2014, 371, 22, 2083-91.
Genome announcements2014, 2, 6, e01178-14.
Genome announcements2015, 3, 3, e00639-15.
Viruses2015, 7, 6, 3130-54.
Virology2015, 484, 259-264.
Genome announcements2015, 3, 5, e01093-15.
Journal of virological methods2017, 246, 8-14.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases2018, 18, 9, 1015-1024.
Lassa virus sequencing data
The New England journal of medicine2018, 379, 18, 1745-1753.
Cell2015, 162, 4, 738-50.
Science (New York, N.Y.)2019, 363, 6422, 74-77.
Scientific reports2016, 6, 21977.
Emerging infectious diseases2015, 21, 4, 609-18.
Journal of virology2000, 74, 15, 6992-7004.
Journal of clinical microbiology2011, 49, 3, 1157-61.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases2018, 12, 11, e0006971.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases2012, 6, 9, e1839.
PloS one2011, 6, 6, e20893.
Emerging infectious diseases2016, 22, 4, 694-7.
Journal of clinical microbiology2010, 48, 6, 2009-13.
Emerging microbes & infections2020, 9, 1, 1761-1770.
Emerging infectious diseases2010, 16, 7, 1123-6.
Journal of virology2019, 93, 21, e00929-19.
Nature biotechnology2019, 37, 2, 160-168.
Scientific reports2016, 6, 25280.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene2007, 101, 12, 1223-32.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases2013, 7, 12, e2582.
Journal of clinical microbiology1994, 32, 12, 2898-903.
Emerging infectious diseases2015, 21, 8, 1481-3.
Biology2021, 10, 1, 28.
Virology2004, 318, 1, 153-68.
The Journal of infectious diseases2001, 184, 3, 345-9.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene2007, 101, 12, 1253-64.
Journal of virology2011, 85, 22, 12093-7.
Virology1989, 168, 2, 421-5.
Emerging infectious diseases2018, 24, 3, 599-602.
mSphere2019, 4, 5, e00428-19.
The Lancet. Infectious diseases2019, 19, 12, 1371-1378.
Virology1997, 235, 2, 414-8.
Emerging infectious diseases2000, 6, 5, 466-76.
Emerging infectious diseases2006, 12, 12, 1971-4.
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin2009, 14, 10, 19145.
Virus research1991, 18, 2-3, 151-64.
Virology1986, 154, 1, 155-67.
Virology1985, 144, 2, 363-72.
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution1997, 8, 3, 301-16.